The Gift of Administration
Making the best use of Time
Event Management – Jesus style
These are now all out of print. However, please contact me if you would like a pdf of any of them for £1 each. Also refer to earlier blog postings for extensive teaching on these topics.
Discover and Serve
This book is now out of print. However, a pdf of the text is available for £2. I will also provide material to help you organise a course for your church.
The Poor Deserve The Best
This is a practical manual about ministry with the poor especially seeking to help raise the standard of ministries with the poor to a high level. £4 + postage.
Embracing the Poor
Embracing the Poor is a theology of the poor with many practical illustrations. It was authored by an international team of writers from within the Newfrontiers family of churches. However, it is now out of print and is no longer available from me. 2nd hand copies have occasionally been advertised on Amazon.