New Books on the Poor!

Together on a Mission – are you coming?
I am breaking into my series on Christian Development for a couple of weeks to tell you first about two new books and then next week I will update you from the Newfrontiers Together On A Mission Conference which begins at the Brighton Centre next Tuesday, 12th.

Space is till available for TOAM despite a significant increase in bookings. Do come along, especially to the Thursday evening which will be an evening of prayer and celebration, and the launch into the next season of Newfrontiers. This is the last international Leadership conference after 15 years so we have made Thursday evening free and open to all. Encourage your friends to come with you!

New Books
I am delighted to announce that two books will be released at the TOAM Conference.

screen-shot-2011-06-02-at-0920542Embracing the Poor (£9.99)
This has been been written by an international Task Team of theologians and practitioners from Newfrontiers churches who worked together for two years to combine an understanding of the theology of the poor with ‘good practice’ in ministry.

In his foreword to Embracing the Poor Matthew Frost, Chief Executive of Tearfund, writes

‘Embracing the Poor’ is packed with biblically-grounded wisdom, disturbing facts, thoroughly practical advice, inspiring stories of transformation, and loads of prophetic vision…. The book is a trumpet call to each of us to embrace God’s passion for the poor and to rediscover the early Church’s apostolic mandate to care for the least, the lost and the last’.

screen-shot-2011-07-06-at-103756The Poor deserve the Best (£4.99)
I have written this book from my passion to see ministry with the poor carried out to a high standard. It is a manual of Good Practice with three sections on 1) the Key Characteristics which should be included in a ministry, 2) Planning and 3) a Ministry Health Check. In this last section I have provided all the necessary tools to carry out such a check on your own ministries with the poor.

The final section provides examples from ministries around the world and across a range of sectors (education, health etc) which exhibit what I consider to be ‘good practice’.

Angela Kemm, for many years ministering as an evangelist in the South African townships commends it as follows:

‘I wish something like this had been available to me when I first visited our townships’

These two books complement one another and, during the conference, will be available together at a special combined price of £12.00!

Both books may be purchased here