Ministry Report 4 – Jubilee Health Centre, Cape Town

dsc00700I love receiving regular updates from the Clinic based at Jubilee Church in Cape Town! They are always full of faith and testimonies of God’s intervention – so I felt to share a report with you to be blessed also! It is written by Dr Caryn Wilson whose passion and leadership of the Team make this a highly effective ministry.

This is one of a dozen Mercy Ministries from Jubilee Church and at the end of this blog is a video made about 18 months ago showing how they integrate together, an important feature of good practice in a church’s social ministries. But first, let Caryn tell you the story.


karin-resize1Our experience of working alongside God in the Jubilee Health Centre is aptly described in the words of a Scottish evangelist, R. M. McShane, who said:

“Rather than being an instrument of the Lord, all I was, was an adoring spectator.”

Day by day we marvel at His gracious presence at work in the lives of those who come to visit us. At least weekly, but probably more often, someone begins to tell us how God has answered the prayers for them or their loved ones at their last visit. Their stories include provision of jobs and housing, reconciliation between relatives or estranged friends, healing of illnesses suffered, and many other wonderful tales of providence. God is given glory each time – that’s the best part!

How it started
Jubilee Health Centre (JHC) was conceived as a dream God planted in the hearts of the elders at Jubilee Community Church It began as a nurse met with the women of the community in which the church is located, and later was birthed as a primary care clinic in a bare room in the church building in 2006, with a doctor and second nurse in attendance. The infant JHC was raised and nurtured in prayer and faith in Jesus, as God led us step by step, teaching us to walk in His ways. By October 2008, we had grown to include pregnancy crisis counselling and voluntary counselling and testing for HIV.

Who is it for?
The JHC is located in the heart of “downtown” Cape Town, South Africa. The local community live in rundown overcrowded buildings interspersed between factories, under bridges, or on the street. We serve a diverse and widespread population, including those who live and work nearby, and many others who travel far to see us. They range from the homeless to those with an income of sorts, and include recovering (and sometimes relapsing) drug addicts, ex-prisoners, policemen, factory workers, university students, casual labourers, domestic servants, beggars, refugees…to name a few. God brings each one to us, and then gently reaches out and touches them. It is truly a privilege to partner with Him in this work.

Gospel Impact
We work in team, ministering professionally and in prayer to each one who visits us, silently asking God to lead each consultation. Counsellors, nurses, a doctor or two, a physiotherapist, students, housewives, a financial advisor, and any others who love Jesus volunteer with us. Prayer has remained our main source of nourishment, and together we start each day with Jesus, our First Client, before we see anyone else.

dscf03802We have so many stories to tell, but suffice it to say that God is alive and active! I wish I could tell you in detail about

  • the boy with the broken arm completely healed through prayer
  • the mother delivered of demons, resulting in her healing and reconciliation in her family
  • the prostitute saved and set free, bringing her little son to see us, now members of our church family
  • the young Malawian boy who was cured of a 2-year-long problem as God met him
  • the frightened young woman who found hope and love and chose not to abort her baby, bringing him triumphantly to us for a cuddle
  • the ex-prisoner who came to Jesus after receiving a positive HIV result, now living vibrantly serving others in need
  • the psychotic woman who encountered the love of Jesus and was restored to her right mind
  • two who spontaneously asked to be saved, without any prompting, at the end of medical consultations

the-jhc-team1…..and so many other glorious tales of His power and love at work!

Reflecting together one of our team recently said, “I have learned that I can trust God in all things now. Not just at work, but in every part of my life. I don’t panic anymore.” Another comment was, “I’ve realised it’s not about me or my skills. It’s all about Jesus and what He’s already done.” And, “God changes the hearts of people who come here, by His truth and love – both those who come to work and those who come to be cared for. He’s amazing!”


I hope you enjoyed and have been stimulated by that report. If you wish to make contact please do so via the website

Now here is the video showing the integration between the ministries in Jubilee Church

Mercy Ministries at Jubilee Church, Cape Town from Newfrontiers on Vimeo.