What are the other statements?
Having shared some examples of statements let me now provide the full list in this and the next posting. Written here they seem somewhat overwhelming but please do not be put off!
For clarification on any of these please refer to the series which I posted Sept – Dec 2009 where I described the 20 basic Key Indicators. These statements have been created around those Indicators.
The statements are grouped under common headings, as shared in part 1 of this series. This grouping is reflected in the PowerPoint slides which are coloured according to the group. The complete presentation may be downloaded here.
The orange ones are
1. Spiritual Oversight
The ministry is apostolically endorsed
- The elders of the local church oversee and support the ministry integrating it into the vision and life of the church
2. Ministry Leadership
- The ministry is lead by an anointed leader who is spiritually mature
3. Hearing God
- There is the certainty that God has spoken and commissioned the ministry – it is not just a ‘good idea’ or a response to a need
4. Vision
- There is a clearly defined vision with goals, objectives and expectations
- There is on-going prayer and an openness to the Spirit’s leading
5. Gifting
- The team of workers are chosen because of a personal sense of call and appropriate gifting
6. Biblical Values
- Biblical principles of stewardship, compassion, faith, wisdom etc. are evident in the way the ministry operates
7. Gospel
- There is evidence of the gospel bearing fruit in people’s loves, both the servers and those being served
- There is an expectation that the gospel will be expressed in both deed and word
8. Change
- The kingdom of God will come as people are enabled to move from spiritual and material poverty to new life and fruitfulness in Christ
- The kingdom of God will advance as the ministry expresses Godly values, and challenges injustice, unrighteousness and dishonesty
Next time we will look at the green group which relate to general ‘good practice’, not just the ones with a Christian emphasis.