Kenya Crisis – update

kenya11The Crisis Fund has now topped £40,000! Thank you so much.

Yesterday and today these encouraging text messages were received from Edward Buria.

March 10th
My heart leaps with unspeakable joy as I see the joy displayed by our friends from receiving water. We brought around 5000 litres. I admire the order as they all know that they will go home with around 10 litres of water and 2kg of sugar. It is awesome and so fulfilling.

March 11th
Hi Nigel. We returned back to Meru late last night with such a great
feeling of touching and giving hope to a people 4goten and trapped by many
things that are against them. We have 2 more trips next week in different
places in Samburu. Then from next week we will begin to issue families
with seeds in readiness of expected rains end of March beginning of April.

Thanks and God bless you. Edward


  1. For steady rains to begin in a few weeks – not flash floods
  2. For continued safe deliveries of food and water
  3. For sustained giving to purchase food and water

If you wish to make a donation you may give on line