Conference – November 10th, Wimbledon, London
One of the highlights of my year is the annual conference organised by Jubilee+. Not only is it practical and equipping but plenty of time is provided for Prayer, Prophetic release and Networking. These makes the conference particularly special.
Who is it for?
Anyone is welcome to attend but I would particularly urge those who have a heart for the poor or who are actively involved in ministry with the poor to prioritise this in their diaries.
I also urge church leaders to attend with their ministry teams. The conference will not only help you to understand more about God’s heart for the poor but will enable you to support your ministry teams even more effectively. It will also encourage them that you have prioritised your time to be with them!
Book here. See you there!
Strategy Day
What a joy and privilege it was to be invited by the Jubilee+ Core Team to join about twenty people from across the Newfrontiers UK churches for a day of prayer, prophetic release and discussion. This included ‘champions’ from all the UK spheres (Advance, Catalyst, ChristCentral, Commission, New Ground, Regions Beyond, Relational Mission). This preceded a further two days for the Core Team to take hold of what they felt God was saying and turn it into a practical strategy.
Martin Charlesworth, who leads the team, opened the day with a review of some significant issues and happenings, reminding us of the prophetic word which is shaping the J+ thinking, about being like Joseph who led the people through a time of plenty in preparation for a time of severe austerity. The Jubilee+ activities and initiatives are carried out with this word in mind.
Martin also told us of a meeting with the UK-based Newfrontiers apostles who have warmly embraced what Jubilee+ is doing to take forward ministry with those who are poor or in need. This is a wonderful demonstration of the desire expressed by Terry Virgo in 2011 that the new apostolic spheres should work ‘autonomously but inter-dependently’. One immediate outworking of this collaboration was the significant presence of Jubilee+ at Newday 2018.
Martin then reminded us of some of the resources that had been developed over the previous year:
Book – A church for the Poor
- Capacity building networks – particularly Refugee Resource Centre for Churches.
- Resources planned or in development to help
– Church planting in deprived communities
– Churches engaged with addiction issues
– Care for the elderly
– Personal indebtedness
Next time I will give an overview of the round table discussions which produced some insightful observations.