Helping foreigners and strangers – pt 3

screen-shot-2011-08-17-at-1111202Having been introduced to the ministry in practice, and having discussed some of the elements related to care and support, the team from Boaz Trust now share some of the lessons learned over the 7 years since the ministry began.

As a charity pioneering a completely new work, we have had many lessons to learn:

  • We have had to reinforce the initial aims of Boaz with measured procedural planning which must facilitate rather than replace a flexible compassionate response to emergencies.
  • We must stay focused. Our chief aim is to accommodate those who are without accommodation or means of support. Whilst many other needy people come to Boaz for help, they must not take priority over our long waiting list of truly destitute people.
  • Volunteers, as well as clients, need to be supported, affirmed and acknowledged.
  • There are pros and cons to holding an ecumenical approach, which has attracted some volunteers who do not have identical theological points of view, or even any religious beliefs, but have a passion for justice and a practical compassion. Whilst we respect them, we maintain a clearly Christian ethos.
  • We believe that God loves ministries that promote his heart for the poor and we look to Him for our primary provision, but this does not rule out prudent financial planning and assertive fundraising.

There are various resources we have either developed ourselves or used from other sources

1. has a wealth of information, resources, and details of links with many other agencies and charities.


3. NACCOM (Network)
In 2006 the Boaz Trust began a network of similar projects across the UK called NACCOM, standing for No Accommodation. The network coordinated by our Director, Dave Smith, shares ideas, good practice and expertise. Members meet quarterly to discuss issues and to encourage one another.

Many new projects have begun as a result of NACCOM, and we now have 26 member organisations in 21 cities across the UK.


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