Conference – “Influencing society for the common good”

Jubilee+ helps bring direction to issues of Social Justice, Social Action and Social Enterprise within the Newfrontiers family of churches in the United Kingdom. You may be interested in attending this conference which is being held in partnership with Nexus Emmanuel Church, Oxford.

When? Saturday, April 27 2013, 10am to 4:30pm

Where? King’s Centre, Oxford

A Jubilee+/Nexus conference to equip and motivate Christians to engage with issues of social justice.

Who? Main speakers include Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP and Martin Charlesworth.

Rt Hon. Stephen Timms MP

Stephen is the Member of Parliament for East Ham in London. A Cabinet Minister in the previous Government, he is currently Shadow Minister of State for Employment. He is Chairman of the Christian Socialist Movement, and Vice-Chair (Faith) of the Labour Party.

Martin Charlesworth is Team Leader, Jubilee+


Seminar Streams:

•Think – Examining the theological basis for action
•Engage – Getting involved in the political process
•Issues – Practical seminars on big issues of justice, including:trafficking, marriage, and the environment

Participating organisations include Christian Conservative Fellowship, Christian Socialist Movement, Evangelical Alliance, Jubilee Centre, Liberal Democrat Christian Forum and Tearfund.

Book via the Jubilee+ site

Cost £20 (£25 on the day).