Ministry Health Check pt 1 – Introduction

Christian ministry, Equipping, Evaluation, Good Practice
A visit to the Doctor Recently I had a health check with my doctor. I had no reason to think there was anything wrong and I am glad to say his questioning demonstrated that to be the case. Nevertheless, as he asked me questions about my life-style, sleep patterns and so on it caused me to think about things I had never considered. Further, I have a close friend who is involved in Human Resources. Occasionally I spend time with him and encourage him to ask me difficult questions! As he enquires about my work/life balance, about my marriage and so on, issues are raised that are well worth considering. I benefit from both exercises. Ministry in the church can be like that. We can become so deeply involved in…
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Planning for Ministry Pt 10 – Monitoring the Logframe

Administrative Skills, Christian ministry, Equipping, Good Practice, Planning, Poor
[caption id="attachment_1854" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Equipping Oaks of Righteousness"][/caption] So far we have seen the importance of clearly defining goals at different levels and the associated assumptions we are making if they are to be achieved. These columns are the first and fourth columns in a 4x4 matrix. To complete the matrix we must separate these two columns and insert two more. These additional columns allow us to specify how we shall monitor performance. How and What? When planning a ministry it is important to put in place 'good practice' for carrying it out. Frequently, good protocols are in place for handling such issues as client confidentiality, finances and so on. However, less attention may be given to how performance will be monitored. From time to time a qualitative assessment may…
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Planning for Ministry Pt 9 – Logframe Assumptions pt 2

Administrative Skills, Equipping, Good Practice, Planning, Poor
[caption id="attachment_1810" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Equipping Oaks of Righteousness"][/caption] Having seen the importance of recognising the assumptions we are making in planning a specific ministry we will now return to the example we have been using to illustrate how to use the Logframe, the ministry among homeless people in Brighton. We will consider some of the assumptions that must apply for success at each level. Positive Statements Assumptions should be expressed as positive statements to show how each level of the Logframe will contribute to the successful accomplishment of the next level up, particularly Outcomes > Purpose and Purpose > Goal. Assumptions relate to adverse situations that could arise or conditions that cannot be met due to external circumstances. They may or may not be included on the Logframe at the…
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Planning for Ministry Pt 8 – Logframe Assumptions pt 1

Equipping, Good Practice, Planning, Poor
[caption id="attachment_1805" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Equipping Oaks of Righteousness"][/caption] Assumptions and Risk In order to carry out specific activities and to reach certain goals there are, inevitably, assumptions that have to be made. Indeed, not only is it important to be aware of these assumptions as the one leading the ministry but any potential donor is also interested as they represent the level of risk to his money. Let me illustrate. One ministry I am aware of in a particular nation has sought to help women over several years who have been caught up in the sex industry. This included those who had been trafficked into that country from other nations under false pretences. The church concerned worked closely with the police who gave the team security as they visited brothels…
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Planning for Ministry Pt 7 – Identifying specific Goals and Activities + Kenya crisis update

Equipping, Good Practice, Kenya, Planning, Poor, Relief and Development
[caption id="attachment_1794" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Equipping Oaks of Righteousness"][/caption] Continuing to consider the Logframe as a planning tool we shall now look at the left hand column of the Logical Framework Matrix: Goals Purpose Outcomes Activities Goals In the development world the Goal may arise out of a national or sectoral policy e.g. HIV in sub Saharan Africa. However, it need not be this far-reaching. A city may have the goal ‘to halve the number of those who have multiple deprivation in the city within five years'. So the church's ministry should fit into this Goal. Purpose The Purpose, which contributes to the fulfilment of the Goal, could then be focussed, say, on those who are homeless, one category of those who are multiply deprived. This is the case in Brighton.…
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Planning for Ministry pt 6 – Logical Framework

Christian ministry, Equipping, Good Practice, Planning, Poor
[caption id="attachment_1741" align="alignright" width="150" caption="Equipping Oaks of Righteousness"][/caption] Planning ministry is all about having a vision to produce ‘Oaks of righteousness', people who are currently poor or disadvantaged but who can be equipped practically and, with the transforming impact of the gospel, can become all that God intended. So far we have looked at two steps in the planning process. The Problem Tree helps us identify the various components contributing to the needs to be addressed through our proposed ministry. The Solution Tree seeks to suggest ways of reversing those problems. Logframe We shall now look at the Logical Framework for planning, usually called a Logframe. This is a technique taken from the development world which is widely used for defining programmes, particularly when applying for funds from major donors.…
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