Every member is vital – lessons from Philippines

Equipping, News, Philippines, The church
Meet Abby Abby walked towards me. She had been in the morning service at which I had preached about God's heart for the Poor a few hours earlier. Could it really be true that this young good-looking woman lived here? I was standing in the midst of Bamboo Village. Contrary to the image conjured up by such a name this was no idyllic rural community but rather a community who lived on the site of what had been a bamboo plantation, a community living in shacks on stilts to keep the floors of their houses above the stagnant swamp that filled the air with a stench of rotting vegetation and sewage - above the swamp, that is, until torrential rain causes floods which fill the houses with disease-laden water. Abby…
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Toxic Charity – how churches and charities hurt those they help

Books, Christian ministry, Equipping, Good Practice, Poor, Relief and Development, Social Enterprise
This is a provocative book - a 'must read' for those working among people who are poor or disadvantaged, espcially in an urban setting. But first, the church I belong to (CCK, Brighton) was live on BBC television last Sunday? This  was a one hour Pentecost service. You can watch it on this link. When helping hurts In recent months I have been recommending widely When helping hurts. As the title suggests our well-intentioned generosity may sometimes cause greater problems rather than relieving them (but not always!). It looks critically at the damage we can cause, particularly with cross-cultural ministry among the poor, and suggests how we can improve our practice. Toxic Charity Here is another thought-provoking read to make you think through your stance on how you really can…
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Fulfilling your destiny pt 4. What next?

Destiny, Equipping
BBC at CCK May 27th Before continuing with the final part of my series on Fulfilling your destiny I thought you would be interested to know that the BBC are broadcasting live from Church of Christ the King in Brighton on Pentecost Sunday morning. Those in the UK may enjoy watching or recording it. What is the application for you? In this short series I have challenged you to ‘write your history in advance' by considering where you anticipate being at various points in you life. We then looked at what a ‘calling' is before looking at the real life example of John Kpikpi as he returned from Brighton to Ghana. Now it is time to apply what we have considered in recent weeks to your own situation. Exercise 7:…
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Fulfilling your destiny pt 3. A real example

Destiny, Equipping
As I continue to help you focus on issues to consider and decisions to make in identifying and fulfilling your life's destiny I will now share with you a testimony of a good friend of mine and how he was helped in his approach to this important subject by being a member of Church of Christ the King (CCK), the Newfrontiers church in Brighton, UK. Introducing John Kpikpi John came to Brighton from Ghana to study for a PhD in zoology over 20 years ago. While at Sussex University he became an active member of CCK (called Clarendon Church in those days) and successfully completed his PhD - as well as finding a lovely wife ! On his return he planted a church ‘like CCK' in Ghana and subsequently had an apostolic…
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Fulfilling your destiny pt 2. Calling

Destiny, Equipping
Last time I urged you to look ahead trying to anticipate where you would be and what you would have achieved in 5 or 10 years, or by the end of your life. If your responses were in obedience to God they represent His call on your life. So now we need to consider: What is a ‘calling'? Calling There are 3 categories: 1. Primary calling (common to all believers) • To live the way of Jesus, to be like him. • To use your God-given talents and gifts. How do you know what these God-given talents and gifts are? You can consider them under 3 headings: a) Natural talents - From birth or acquired through training b) Spiritual Gifts - anointed by the Holy Spirit eg. - ‘Spiritual': Prophecy,…
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Fulfilling your destiny pt 1. Where are you going?

Destiny, Equipping
Your target What do you expect to achieve in the next 5 years? 10 years? By the end of your life? Recently I was asked to speak to a group of post-graduate students in our church on the subject of 'What next?' and I started with these questions. There are over 50 nations represented at CCK and many have come here to study at one of the universities in the city of Brighton and Hove. For them the question 'What next?' is very real. This material comes out of a very interactive session. To be effective and helpful it requires serious consideration, and the self-discipline to carry out the exercises. It may be relevant for you or your friends, or for others in your church, particularly students in the same…
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