Do we need a ‘social’ charity? Pt 2 – Why?

Administration in the Church, Charity, Equipping, Poor
Would a separate charity ever be helpful? The short answer is ‘yes', but only when the time is right. The trigger for creating a separate charity is probably when a) it interacts closely with the world, particularly in the area of finance or of partnering with a secular agency; b) when the risks of this aspect of the church's ministry appear so significant that it is worth ‘ring fencing' from the core church finances; c) if the ‘ownership' of the ministry does not sit fair and square in the church vision but it is something that some members are keen to do and the church wants to support in part (see ‘Proceed with caution' below). Why? Many secular donors do not like giving to the church; they feel their donations…
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Do we need a ‘social’ charity? Pt 1 – Pros and Cons

Charity, Equipping, Poor
Introduction I am increasingly travelling among churches to advise them on setting up ministries to work with people who are poor or disadvantaged. I am encouraged how many churches have those who are poor on their agendas. The prophetic word that Simon Pettit preached in 1998 at the Newfrontiers leaders conference that it is an apostolic mandate to Remember the Poor (Gal 2:10) is certainly bearing fruit. Ministry with the poor is not only about taking the love and compassion of Jesus to those in need but it is a powerful and effective way of winning favour with your local community (both people and authorities) and of growing your church. As I share with church leaders some of the basic principles in setting up such ministries I frequently find that…
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Servanthood pt 4 – What is the purpose for serving?

Administration in the Church, Equipping, Serving
Serving helps others. Serving is primarily about relationship. If we do not care about other people we will not be motivated to serve. Underlying all serving is the desire to bless someone - either directly by a selfless act, or indirectly by serving a situation from which they will benefit. Serving accomplishes tasks. Serving is not, of course, in a vacuum; it must have tangible expression. So Jesus served us by emptying himself and becoming obedient to the point of death on a cross. Why? To serve us and open up the way back to God the Father, something we could not do in our own strength. Joseph served faithfully by caring for Potiphar's household affairs and then, in prison, for his fellow prisoners. Ultimately he was promoted to serve…
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Servanthood pt 3 – Characteristics of Servanthood

Administration in the Church, Equipping, Serving
What is a servant? For most people in the so-called ‘West' house-servants are not part of our daily experience. But when I visit India or Africa servants are very evident and indeed are often treated as part of the family. They live in the home of the family they serve or in a house in the surrounding grounds, and are trusted to look after the children as if they were their own. Yet, however well treated, they know their place at the beck and call of the master. When seeking to hire a servant what characteristics might an employer look for? Let's take our cue from Joseph. Joseph - a model After his brothers had sold Joseph into Egypt out of jealousy for the favour he was shown by his…
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Servanthood pt 2 – Jesus, the Servant

Administration in the Church, Equipping, Serving
Bringing good news What was Jesus called to do on earth? According to the Kingdom mandate of Is 61:1-3 (ie his job description), which he ‘owned' in Lk 4:17-21, he was called • To preach good news to the poor (we all are) • To proclaim release to the captives • To heal • To free the down-trodden • To proclaim the year of favour i.e. to bring justice by releasing people from bondage How was he to do this? As a servant. People thought Messiah would come as a King or General but God the Father had other ideas (see Is 42:1-4): ‘Behold my servant...'. God put His Spirit on Jesus • To bring forth justice • To support a bruised reed • To fan a smouldering wick Did…
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Servanthood pt 1 – the privilege of serving

Administration in the Church, Equipping, Serving
Privilege Have you ever thought what a great privilege it is to be a servant? In many cultures servants are looked down on as menial. In the upside down culture of the Kingdom of God servants are exalted! If you need proof just look at Phil 2 and see how Jesus is commended by the Father for coming to earth as a servant, or at Joseph who served faithfully in Potiphar's house and then in prison (even in fetters and irons Ps 105:18) to the extent that those around him were blessed because God was with him. If we strive to be exalted we shall be rewarded only in this life. If we serve out of genuine humility it seems to please God and we can expect rewards in the…
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