Discover and Serve pt 1 – Releasing potential

Equipping, Serving
Special people What is the purpose of the local church? There are many possible answers to this question and through the generations a plethora of books have been written on the subject. However, in this series I wish to focus on those aspects which are determined by the people who comprise the church. Who are they? Why are they special? In his letter to the Ephesians Paul tells us that God ‘chose us before the foundation of the world' (Eph 1:4) ‘for good works .. that we should walk in them' (Eph 2:10). If He chose us He saw the potential in each one of us. One of the primary roles of a church leader is to see this potential realised through teaching, training and discipleship. Releasing potential Two years ago…
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Mobilising the church – Discover and Serve

Administration in the Church, Equipping, Serving
Introduction When I first left my employment in the National Health Service, where I was leading a research team in Rehabilitation Engineering that included designing artificial limbs for Thalidomide-damaged children, in order to work for Terry Virgo, my role was to serve him and what came to be known as Newfrontiers as his administrator. When he invited me he said "I don't know what an administrator does but I know I need one". My response was "I don't know either but ‘yes' "! So I then needed to look into the scriptures to find out what Biblical Administration is and how an administrator operates. Biblical Administration There are of course many scriptures demonstrating the administrative gift, particularly in the Old Testament - Nehemiah, Daniel, Joseph etc. In the New Testament…
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Foreign to Familiar – book review

Books, Cross-culture, Equipping, General
Foreign to Familiar Paradoxically Foreign to Familiar (McDougal Publishing) is both an easy read and a challenging one. It is in a style that is very accessible, is a relatively short book of only 120 pages and is liberally illustrated with personal experiences of the author. But, as one who has travelled quite widely in different cultures, I still find it challenging. Too often I find myself re-reading it and thinking ‘Oh dear, I have made that mistake .... and that one...'! This book is a ‘must read' for those who are interested or involved in cross-cultural mission. Sarah Lanier is well qualified to write on this topic having lived and ministered across six continents over the last 30 years, and being a speaker of six languages. When ‘no' means…
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Conference – “Influencing society for the common good”

Equipping, General
Jubilee+ helps bring direction to issues of Social Justice, Social Action and Social Enterprise within the Newfrontiers family of churches in the United Kingdom. You may be interested in attending this conference which is being held in partnership with Nexus Emmanuel Church, Oxford. When? Saturday, April 27 2013, 10am to 4:30pm Where? King's Centre, Oxford A Jubilee+/Nexus conference to equip and motivate Christians to engage with issues of social justice. Who? Main speakers include Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP and Martin Charlesworth. Rt Hon. Stephen Timms MP Stephen is the Member of Parliament for East Ham in London. A Cabinet Minister in the previous Government, he is currently Shadow Minister of State for Employment. He is Chairman of the Christian Socialist Movement, and Vice-Chair (Faith) of the Labour Party. Martin Charlesworth…
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Thinking Biblically

Equipping, General
There is something special about attending the Thanksgiving Service of a man who has walked with God all his life and the Service for Arnold Bell last Saturday was no exception. Here was a man who had been brought up in difficult circumstances as a son of a single parent in the poorer part of London and who had proved God faithful throughout his life. Arnold died shortly before Christmas. Earlier in the year he had been treated for cancer and was then given the ‘all clear'. In early December he was admitted to hospital with an apparent chest infection, possibly pneumonia, but extensive cancer was discovered. About two weeks later he died. His lovely wife, Mary, and their son, Jonathan, were with him. Our love goes to them and…
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Do we need a ‘social’ charity? Pt 7 – Partnering

Administration in the Church, Charity, Equipping, Poor
This is the last post in this series and also the final one of 2012. So let me take the opportunity to wish you a very happy Christmas. I love this time of year when we celebrate Jesus' birth and do hope there will be time for you to reflect on the amazing truth that he was prepared to come to earth and take the form of a servant, ultimately conquering death for you and me. I also hope you will have time to relax and be refreshed with family and friends. Partnership I am a great advocate of working with other interested bodies. Why duplicate services if this can be avoided? Partnerships may be with other churches or agencies, including secular ones, who have specialist skills and knowledge. How should this be structured?…
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