Discover and Serve pt 12 – Spiritual Gifts 1

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving, Spiritual Gifts
The next element of our Serving Profile is Spiritual Gifts, surely the most important. How do these differ from the Skills and Talents we have been considering recently? Skills and Talents First, Skills and Talents are perhaps best described as ‘natural' or ‘acquired'. All our abilities do, of course, come from God but we are born with certain latent abilities; some people are very artistic others are more scientific, some are athletic others are academic. These are not of course mutually exclusive. We can also acquire new skills through training, perhaps learning a language (not very successfully in my case) or computer skills. Second, who benefits? The way these skills and talents are used may benefit others or be essentially for one's own fulfilment and gratification. This is all part…
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Discover and Serve pt 11 – Skills and talents 2

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
Having identified what skills and talents people have to offer how do we mobilise them? Ability It is helpful to have some grading about expertise, as illustrated here with 'Level of skill'. Not only does this give a feel of the experience and quality of work that someone can bring but it also identifies where there is an opportunity for further training. Often working together using your skills gives a wonderful opportunity for equipping someone else and for discipleship. A few years ago two of the wives of elders in our church regularly invited young single women to their homes to teach them about home-making and enjoy their friendship, a reminder of the teaching in Titus chapter 2 for older women to help younger women. I now see well-equipped married…
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Discover and Serve pt 10 – Skills and talents 1

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
Talents Each of us is unique. Yet we are all made in God's image and carry qualities and characteristics which he has generously given to us. Some have multiple talents while others have less. But we learn from Jesus' teaching through the parable of the talents in the gospels (Matthew 25:14-30 and Luke 19:11-27) that the key issue is not about quantity but about faithfulness. The context is one where he is teaching about being ready for the coming of the kingdom (Matt 25:1) and of his coming again. Although the imagery is one of finance, the meaning is about what has been entrusted to us to steward wisely. At the final judgement we shall be assessed according to what we have done with these gifts (1 Cor 3:12-15). It…
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Discover and Serve pt 9 – What have I got to offer?

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
Who are you? So far in this series we have been concentrating on the importance of serving in the church. But many people feel they do not have any contribution to make. Rubbish! As members of the body we are not redundant. God would not have put you in a local congregation if you had no place there. It maybe that at this stage of life you actually need to feed from the church or receive healing. But in reality, as you receive help in these, God has made each one of us to make a contribution in some way, whether within the church community or through that community into the wider society. He chose you from before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4) and made good works for…
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Discover and Serve pt 8 – The purpose and benefits of serving

Equipping, Serving
Servanthood is a high calling. Jesus said of himself that he had not come to be served but to serve. As we have already seen he expressed this verbally to the disciples when teaching them not to seek high position (Matt 20:28) and it was also a major part of the prophecies about him through Isaiah in the servant passages already referred to (Isaiah 52, 53). But what are the purposes of serving? I suggest there are three. 1. To help others The primary purpose of the church is to be a change agent to advance the kingdom of God. This, of course, may be achieved in many ways, starting with the lives of individuals as they aspire to fulfil the potential that God has vested in them. So serving…
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Discover and Serve pt 7 – The character of a Servant 2

Equipping, Serving
We will continue to learn from Joseph about the qualities of servanthood. 3. Responsible and reliable Joseph was a remarkable man. He had huge promises over his life from his childhood when he was given dreams about the way he would have authority over his brothers and how even his parents would bow down to him. Yet in Gen 39:19-23 he found himself in prison after being falsely accused of propositioning his master's wife. This is hardly the outworking of the dreams he might have anticipated! Despite this, he did not allow circumstances to compromise his value system. He displayed great spiritual maturity despite everything seeming to go wrong. As a result he was entrusted with a high level of responsibility over other prisoners. The qualities of responsibility and reliability…
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