Discover and Serve pt 23 – Calling pt 1

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
Let's review progress Over the past few months I have been looking at the development of a Serving Profile to help people find a fulfilling and fruitful place of service in the church. Of the seven components that make up this profile - Skills and Talents, Spiritual Gifts, Calling, Heart's Desire, Temperament, Time, Spiritual Maturity - I have so far addressed the first two. These are the main ones that define what a person ‘brings to the table' ie those features which indicate what contribution a person may make to a ministry through their natural or spiritual aptitudes. The remaining five will not take as many weeks! We will now turn our attention to matters which affect how these aptitudes may be applied effectively and appropriately to specific ministries. First,…
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The Marriage House – book review

Books, Equipping, News
Although books on marriage abound this one is certainly not ‘surplus to requirements'. I confess I have not yet read every word (it has only recently been released) but I feel it is such a good book that I want to bring it to your attention in time to ask someone to give it to you for Christmas - or for you to buy copies to give away! Using the imagery of building a house, John Kpikpi (a good friend of many in the Newfrontiers family of churches), together with contributions from his wife Alexandra, has taken a strong Biblical stance in sharing about marriage. Starting with God's vision for marriage he than moves on to laying a solid foundation before taking us through God's ‘blue print' for marriage addressing…
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Discover and Serve pt 22 – Spiritual Gifts 11. Tongues, Voluntary poverty, Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Spiritual Gifts
In the concluding part of this section on Spiritual Gifts we consider four more. Tongues A Spirit-inspired ability to speak spontaneously in a language, whether human or angelic, without having learnt it. This gift differs from all the others in that it may be used in two ways, one of which is for the benefit of the bearer of the gift. When spoken privately the gift is for self-edification; if spoken publicly in a gathering of the church, it is to be interpreted and is for the building up of the Church. It is a gift to be prized and used. Paul said, ‘Now I want you all to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy' (1 Cor. 14:5) and ‘I thank God that I speak in tongues more…
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Discover and Serve pt 21 – Spiritual Gifts 10. Prophecy, Serving, Teaching

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Spiritual Gifts
As we continue to look at the various components that contribute to a person's 'serving profile' in the church we come to the penultimate part in this section on Spiritual Gifts. Prophecy Spirit-inspired speaking out of God's immediate mind and counsel for the strengthening, exhortation and comfort of His people, and also, on occasion, to an unbeliever e.g. to warn or convict him of sin. Paul's letters to the Romans and the Corinthians give us insight to this gift as used in New Testament times (Rom 12:6; 1 Cor 12:10; 13:2). It is one of the gifts most commonly referred to in scripture, one not to be despised, but weighed and tested in the light of Scripture (1 Thess 5:20-21), and by those able to discern (1 Cor 14:29). It…
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Discover and Serve pt 20 – Spiritual Gifts 9. Martyrdom, Mercy, Miracles

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Spiritual Gifts
As we continue to consider spiritual gifts and their place in our serving profile we come to three ‘Ms'. Martyrdom Ability to suffer voluntarily/willingly and joyfully for the Lord - even to death. When Paul urged us to ‘earnestly desire' spiritual gifts this would probably not be the top of many people's lists! And yet in 1 Cor 13:3 we read ‘If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing'. I think we would all be aware of people down the ages who have laid down their lives for the gospel and great blessing has resulted. I think of men such as Jim Elliott and Nate Saint whose deaths, along with two others, significantly contributed…
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Discover and Serve pt 19 – Spiritual Gifts 8. Hospitality, Interpretation of Tongues, Leadership

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Spiritual Gifts
Hospitality Ability to welcome and to serve, perhaps providing food and shelter to guests or strangers with love and liberality and graciousness, so that they feel ‘at home' Hospitality is referred to in Rom. 12:13 shortly after the list of spiritual gifts. Although it is not explicitly listed as a spiritual gift, it is generally recognised as such and its specific mention in the context of gifts in 1 Pet. 4:9-10 supports this view. This is a gift that many do not recognise they have. They assume that everyone is hospitable, just as they are. And yet it is one of the most valuable gifts, especially at the ‘front door' of the church, both literally and figuratively. It is a gift that communicates love and concern to the stranger and…
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