Discover and Serve pt 31 – Developing a Serving Profile 2

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving, Spiritual Gifts
What is a Serving Profile? We shall be constructing a Profile which will provide the basis of a prayerful discussion with the two facilitators to help find a satisfying and fulfilling place to serve in the church. It has the seven elements we have been considering throughout this series: • Skills/Talents • Spiritual Gifts • Calling • Heart's Desire • Temperament • Time • Spiritual maturity Skills and Talents There is, of course, a huge range of possible skills and talents to consider; that is inevitable since we are made in the image of an infinite Creator! If you were to list all the types of employment people have in your church and then add their interests and recreational activities you would find an awesome variety of possibilities. In our…
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Discover and Serve pt 30 – Developing a Serving Profile 1

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
Application Over recent months we have seen how valuable it can be to identify the elements of someone's personality, gifting and availability in determining how they may best serve in the church. But how do we apply this practically? Holy Spirit leading First, and most important, what is the Holy Spirit saying to an individual? It would be easy to become somewhat administrative in trying to identify someone's ‘best fit' for serving but that should not be the first route of discovery. Administration can be vulnerable to focusing on the task before the individual. The danger of this is that one can just be looking for volunteers to get a job done. I hate this! Hearing leaders ask for volunteers to get a job done tells me that they are…
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Discover and Serve pt 29 – Spiritual Maturity

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
The final element in our Serving Profile is Spiritual Maturity. As people wish to serve in the church it is important that the opportunities match their level of spiritual maturity. For instance, you don't want a newly converted person on the welcome team if they still have a free use of ‘fruity' language from their former life! Nor do you want someone leading a ministry who does not yet have a secure and deep walk with God. Grow up! When a person is first saved he or she is like a baby. The writer to the Hebrews upbraids those who have been walking with God for sometime for still being like babes (Heb 5:12-14). Here it is written with correction but nevertheless it gives us an insight into the contrast…
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Discover and Serve pt 28. Time

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
I have just returned from Guinea and will report on that more fully in due course. While there I was able to teach from this Discover and Serve material which I have now published as a book. I was very encouraged by the response. The book includes all the teaching I have been giving in recent months as well as several appendices to help you implement the course in your church. The cost is £5.99 + postage. 10% discount on 10 or more copies. Please order through in the side panel with Book Order in the subject line. Now to continue the series with a consideration of Time. The concept of time We live in a frenetic world, particularly in the ‘west'/northern hemisphere. Every day is often filled to…
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Discover and Serve pt 27. Motivation/Temperament

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
Many team building exercises involve some form of personality assessment. The premise is that a balanced team may be built if the various members represent a spread across the different options available. Probably the best known test is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator based on work by Carl Jung. Here there are four pairings or dichotomies that are attributed to an individual through psychometric testing, namely: Extraversion (E)/ Introversion (I) Sensing (S)/Intuition (N) Thinking (T)/ Feeling (F) Judgment (J)/Perception (P) This results in 16 possibilities e.g. ESTJ, INFP. I do not consider that such thorough assessments are needed when helping someone to serve in the church although there may well be benefits if they are inclined to respond well to such an approach. This sort of testing is not everyone's…
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Churches together make a difference

Equipping, Poor
In recent months through this blog I have been encouraging people to find their place of serving in the church. One valuable and effective opportunity comes as churches in a town or city combine their people-resources. I have asked one of the members of CCK who is involved in such a programme, Lizzy Dalby, to share some of her thoughts. Social action can play a significant part in bringing churches together to advance God's kingdom. The Nightshelter currently running across Brighton & Hove is one such example. For the last 3 years over the winter months, a different church has opened it's doors each night of the week and welcomed 15 guests for a hearty meal, warmth, a bed for the night and breakfast before they start each new day.…
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