Charities and the Church pt 1. What is a charity?

Charity, Equipping
Introduction In the UK most churches have charitable status. Several also have associated charities, often to help facilitate a ministry to those who are poor or in need. Most other nations have a comparable charitable structure, although inevitably they differ in the detail. For well over 30 years I have worked within a charitable environment on the staffs of both the Newfrontiers family of churches and Church of Christ the King (Brighton), and at different times I have been a trustee of these and other charities, in some cases as chair. Recently I have been contacted by several people for advice and opinion about setting up charities, how elders and trustees should relate, and so on. So I felt the time seemed opportune to share my thoughts and experience. Disclaimer…
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Book Review – The Myth of the Undeserving Poor

Books, Equipping, News, Poor
Do the poor deserve to be helped? I have greatly enjoyed reading this book and strongly recommend it. My attitudes were challenged, and I was liberally marking and underling passagesas I read it. It has already caused me to adjust my thinking about a particular ‘live’ situation I am facing. Although the book is centred on the UK, its history and current situation, there are many Biblical and practical teachings that any reader can apply. Poverty in Britain Martin Charlesworth and Natalie Williams, two of the key players in the Jubilee+ initiative of the Newfrontiers family of churches in the UK, begin by laying a historical foundation. Taking the reader through the effects of the Poor Laws of 1601 and 1834 they trace how the relationship between church and state has…
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Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI)

Equipping, Poor, Poverty Reduction
A new Index For many years one basis on which poverty is assessed has been people living on less than $1.25 or $2 per day. But this is a very ‘blunt’ way of measuring poverty as the value of $2 varies from one economy to another and also finance is not the only measure of real poverty. Recently I joined a live-stream seminar organised by the Overseas Development Institute in the UK which launched a new Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI). This does not replace the economic one with which we are familiar but complements it. To me this made a lot of sense since it is far more indicative of the life issues that really define poverty. It has been developed in the Oxford Department of International Development, part of Oxford…
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Discover and Serve pt 34 – The Book and the Course

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving, Volunteers
The Book I have now shared with you the burden of my heart in helping people to find their place of service in the church. As I have already mentioned the material is embodied in the 100 page book Discover and Serve. This includes not only the teaching but all the materials you need to run a course in your church, including extensive Appendices which can be photocopied, and is available from me at £5.99 plus postage. The Course The best way to run the course is over a 3-week period, probably in the evenings. There needs to be time for ‘homework' between each session. On each occasion there is teaching about different aspects of serving and the unique characteristics and qualities a person has to offer, as we have…
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Discover and Serve pt 33 – Developing a Serving Profile 4

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
The final part of our Serving Profile considers Temperament and Spiritual Maturity. Temperament This has already been considered in Part 27. People are asked to indicate where they feel they come in considering the following statements by placing X in the box at the appropriate point along the 4-point scale. 1. I prefer working on a project/with people. 2. When carrying out a task I am a better sprinter (i.e. short term motivation)/long-distance runner. 3. When considering a situation I see the detail/broad concepts. 4. I am a better initiator/responder. 5. When carrying out a task I work better alone/in a team. 6. I prefer to act spontaneously/with pre-planning. The results of this help when considering what part they might play in a team as their particular temperament can complement…
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Discover and Serve pt 32 – Developing a Serving Profile 3

Discover and Serve, Equipping, Serving
As we continue to develop the Serving Profile we shall now take three aspects that are closely related. Calling, Heart's Desire There is often a strong link between Calling and Heart's Desire. We have already seen how some people are passionate about a specific issue or have a strong sense of specific calling. Others may be more laid back and have seen their calling as more general if, indeed, they have defined it at all. To help people think this through there is another simple self-assessment form I use which gives people the opportunity to reflect prayerfully on any area that God might reveal to them. It also allows them to consider their strengths and weaknesses. Self-assessment As people meet with their facilitators this assessment form provides a very helpful…
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