Are you listening? Pt 1 A listening friend

Equipping, Listening, Simon Pettit
Honouring one another Simon Pettit, well known to many in the Newfrontiers family, died in 2005. He was a good friend and there are hundreds who felt the same about him as I did. How could it be that he had such a wide group of genuine, deep friends? I believe it is because of his real love for people and an exceptional ability to focus his attention on you. When you were with him no-one else mattered. He was deeply interested in you, your family and the things that were taking your attention in life. As such he was also a wise advisor or counsellor. In short, he had an exceptional ability to really listen. The grief that followed his death lasted, for me, for many months, and I…
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Win win – Businesses to improve health and empower entrepreneurs

Africa, Business, Entrepreneur, Equipping, Jibu, News, Poor, Water
Milk for transformation I get excited when I hear of projects that bring a ‘win’ at every level. I have previously reported on the Milk for Transformation enterprise in Burundi. This business provides rural families with milk-producing cattle which both provides income from the surplus which can be sold and also removes the need for children to miss school to tend the less productive local cows as they wander the hills. It also employs young men to transport the milk to the city, others to pasteurise the milk, and yet others to sell the milk at the lowest possible price. Finally good nutritious milk reaches children in the slums: Win… Win … Win … Win … Jibu Water Project I have another friend, Randy Welsch, who, with his son Galen,…
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Handling distractions 5 – Prioritising and Planning

Administration in the Church, Distractions, Equipping, Life issues
So far we have considered strategies for handling distractions related to technology and environment. Now I want to help you anticipate your reactions to distractions. 5. Priorities Recently I was reminded of a song we used to sing in the 80s ‘I want to serve the purpose of God in my generation’ written by Mark Altrogge (©1982 People of Destiny). Some of the stanzas are: ‘I want to give my life for something that will last for ever…’ ‘I want to build with silver and gold…’ ‘I want to see the Kingdom of God in my generation…’ This is an expression of our heart’s desire to make life count in answer to the question that Mark reiterates in the refrain: ‘What is on Your heart? Show me what to do.’…
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Handling distractions 4 – Environment and self discipline

Administration in the Church, Distractions, Equipping, Life issues
Last time we looked at strategies for taking control of your technology. Now we will consider the environment. 3. Environment Your normal environment, whether home of office, is full of things that are calling for your attention. Whether it is a photo of the family, a book you are reading, some unfinished piece of work or just the need to ‘tidy that shelf – it won’t take long’, you are surrounded by an environment that carries emotional and functional ties that shout for attention. As such, for focussed activity you are fighting a battle before you start. I urge you to find a different/neutral environment where this is possible and appropriate. For years I have followed a practice that I have found particularly useful. When I have wanted some peace and…
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Handling distractions 3 – Control your smartphone

Administration in the Church, Distractions, Equipping, Life issues
So far we have considered what constitutes a distraction and have looked at some of the things that cause distractions. We could extend that list but there is little benefit. The important part of this series is to suggest solutions and strategies for handling distractions. I am going to suggest several possible solutions for you to consider and apply in your own life; there is no ‘one size fits all' but there are some principles that can be widely applied. You may also like to look at a website I recommend which has a fuller article on this subject, including drawing from various research papers which provide deeper understanding of why we behave how we do and how we can beneficially modify our behaviour. Focus We live in an age of…
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Handling distractions 2 – Know your enemy!

Administration in the Church, Equipping, Life issues
Last time we saw that we have the option of taking control when distractions might throw us off course. Now let’s look at what some of those distractions are. 1. Communication devices There are many sources of potential distraction, but the main one nowadays seems to be so-called communication devices (which so often hinder quality face to face communication!). These are the biggest culprits ie the phone, for actual calls, and the tablet/smart phone, with all its alluring apps, text alerts etc. These in turn carry further distractions such as Facebook, Instagram etc – good ‘servants’ but over-bearing ‘masters’ if you allow them to dominate your life. 2. Interruptions Then there are interruptions from outside which have the potential of becoming distractions – people who walk into your office unannounced,…
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