Resources and Authority
Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Biblical Administration, Conference Administration, Equipping, General
Continuing to learn Biblical administration from Jesus’ feeding the 5000 we shall now consider two more aspects. 3. What resources are available? Mk 6:38 And he said to them, "How many loaves do you have? Go and see." And when they had found out, they said, "Five, and two fish." In formulating a plan an accurate assessment of existing and needed resources are core to the fulfilment. Resources here are material. But much wider consideration should be given when planning a task – Human (Character and Skills), Finance, Materials, Facilities, Natural (Sun, wind, rain etc), Physical (roads, electricity, water supplies etc), and so on. I have been involved in running many substantial conferences for Terry Virgo and the Newfrontiers family. When assessing a venue for a Bible Week, for instance,…