Time Management pt 14 – Summary

Administration in the Church, Administrative Skills, Equipping, Good Practice, Time Management
We have now completed the detailed material I wished to share but there are two more sections I shall include. First, a summary and then a look at applying these principles on a PDA. Summary Initially I set out to share my own experience, not to give a comprehensive overview of various different time management systems. I have particularly focussed on the day-to-day management of your Organiser, being the ‘vehicle’ in which the events that fill time are planned and monitored. Time management is about ‘writing your history in advance’, making the best guess you can about what the future holds and planning to achieve that. I encouraged you to define long term goals and expectations and then to break these down into intentional activities to help you achieve them.…
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Report on Zimbabwe pt 2 – Rural Poverty

Agriculture, Cross-culture, International, News, Poor, To the Nations, Zimbabwe
Following my time in the Harare area a 4 hour drive to Bulawayo took me to the farm of Peter Cunningham, successful ostrich farmer and visionary, who seeks to help empower the poor by ‘out-sourcing’ the husbandry of young ostriches to village people and then buying them back for processing. I was also amazed to hear of some of the ways in which he and his workers have been literally protected by angels from some opposition in recent years. What a mighty God we serve! Kezi On the Sunday I visited Crossroads church in Kezi, a vibrant energetic church meeting in a tent (recently decimated by storms) and ably led by Stephen Manhanga. Over a hundred people attended (some having been unable to do so as they had to stay…
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Time Management pt 13 – Progressing the Do it list 3

Administrative Skills, Equipping, Good Practice, Planning, Time Management
Keep going! Processing the Do it list, as described below and in the previous two blogs, can appear very complicated. But it is in fact quite simple if you work your way systematically through the guidelines I am giving you. I want to urge you to persevere - it will quickly become ‘second nature’ and will redeem hours of your time to be used more effectively. So, keep going – we are nearly finished! Don’t fall just short of the finishing line!! Having looked at the symbols used when setting up the day’s Do it list we shall now look at those used to monitor progress and maintain continuity. There are two symbols in each category. Monitoring progress ^ In Process / Completed Maintaining continuity > Transferred x Dropped Monitoring progress The symbols ‘^’…
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Report on visit to Zimbabwe pt 1

Agriculture, Ministry Report, News, Poor, Zimbabwe
A week in Harare Everybody says ‘what good can come out of Zimbabwe?’ I say ‘My glory, My glory will come on the dry bones that laid slain. I have breathed My life into a mighty army of God, the bride of Christ. Like a city on a hill, Your light so shines. ‘And My glory shall be seen in the whole earth as the waters cover the sea. And the whole world will look to this nation and they will believe’. These stirring words were sung at an evening of prophetic singing led by Lou Huck at the Champions Conference in Harare in early March. They epitomise the spirit of hope and expectation in the church at this time. All recognise that the church has a significant role to…
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Time Management pt 12 – Progressing the Do it list 2

Administration in the Church, Christian ministry, Equipping, Good Practice, Planning, Time Management
The symbols we use to monitor progress are During the planning process: * Urgent [J] Delegate (e.g. to Jan) ( ) Reference For Monitoring progress: ^ In Process / Completed > Transferred x Dropped Symbols used in the planning/prioritising process In the last post we saw that * highlights urgency. This is used at the time of planning the day’s priorities, as is the delegation symbol [J], where the initial refers to the person to whom the activity will be delegated, in this case my excellent and efficient secretary, Jan. How does this operate? If, while planning, I find an item on my Do it list that can be delegated, particularly if this allows it to be done sooner than if I undertook it myself, I will bracket the initial of the person concerned. The priority still…
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Meet Dr Shana

Agriculture, News, One to One interviews, Together on a Mission, Zimbabwe
We are very privileged to have Dr Goodwill Shana (who likes to be addressed as ‘Shana’) as a speaker at this year’s Newfrontiers leadership conference, Together on a Mission (TOAM). Shana is President of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ) and has played a key role in bringing the church in Zimbabwe into a significant place of influence in this turbulent era in Zimbabwe’s history. Recently I visited Zimbabwe and had the pleasure of meeting Shana once again. On this occasion I was able to interview him on camera, although his tight schedule and the context gave conditions which were far from ideal for a high quality video. This interview gives us an opportunity to meet the man who will be speaking to us in Brighton. I encourage all Newfrontiers…
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