LoveZim Prayer Day

Agriculture, News, Poor, Zimbabwe
A Global Day of Prayer I believe that September 26th will prove to have been a significant day in the life and rebuilding of Zimbabwe. Thousands gathered in Zimbabwe in many locations across the nation to pray and commit themselves to becoming involved in the church-initiated programme ‘Trumpet Call' to feed the nation through Foundations for Farming over the next year. There was prayer and repentance among the church leaders from across the streams and denominations. In Bulawayo over 400 pastors stood together on the platform to identify with this initiative. Around the world there was an outpouring of prayer as well. Reports have already been received from nations in many time zones - Canada, South Africa, Australia, France, the UK, Mauritius and USA. In our own church, one of…
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Floods in Pakistan

News, Pakistan, Poor, Relief and Development, To the Nations
The floods which hit Pakistan in August were the worst in living memory and their magnitude eclipsed some of the recent disasters in other parts of the world. Newfrontiers have several churches in Pakistan and one, in Nowshera, was particularly badly affected. People lost their houses and all their possessions, and the church building and office were severely damaged. Many in the community were similarly affected and the church was able to reach out and feed over 150 people, which included Christians, Muslims and Hindus. Now the rebuilding is starting.  A few days ago I was able to interview Pervez Sohail who oversees many of these churches. He shared with me some of their experiences. Churches help with Floods in Pakistan from Newfrontiers on Vimeo. The Finance Team Newfrontiers The…
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PowerPoint – Visual Aid or Visual Distraction? Pt 3

Equipping, Good Practice, PowerPoint
Having looked at some of the potential pitfalls and started to look at some 'How tos', we will continue with design matters and then conclude with some presentational issues. Design The graphic element of design becomes a matter of personal preference. I encourage clean uncluttered graphics as far as possible, choice of colour etc being important to ensure good contrast, particularly as presentations may be made in daylight conditions without good blackout. Also bear in mind that some of the audience may have visual impairments so avoid using colour to convey meaning unless you know the audience have no problems. Backgrounds seriously affect readability. Some guidelines are: In dark rooms it may be best to use a dark background and light text. In light rooms the reverse is true ie…
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Newfrontiers in Dubai

Dubai, International, News, To the Nations
Recently I had the joy of meeting up with Steve and Heather Oliver who moved from South Africa to lead the Newfrontiers church in Dubai. Here Steve shares some of the differences they faced on moving to Dubai, a brief look at some of the cultural issues and the vision he has for the church.   Steve Oliver in Dubai from Newfrontiers on Vimeo. Have a look at some of the photos of Dubai - from the world's tallest building at night to the ski slope!        
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Worldwide day of prayer for Zimbabwe – September 26th

International, News, Poor, Zimbabwe
An exciting initiative is being taken on September 26th to stand with the church in the nation of Zimbabwe. The following text has recently been distributed by LoveZim - Newfrontiers is one of many partners supporting this effort. Please sign up and pray on 26th. Also suggest to your church leaders that time is set aside in the Sunday services for corporate prayer. Zimbabwe needs your help! Zimbabwe is at a crossroads!  A beautiful nation with great potential and many God-given promises, yet a nation still struggling for justice and peace and where the poor continue to suffer. The call is ringing out to return to God, unite and help the rural poor by training them to farm in a profitable and sustainable way. The Church in Zimbabwe is awakening…
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PowerPoint – Visual Aid or Visual Distraction? Pt 2

Equipping, Good Practice, PowerPoint
Some Hows? and Whys? PowerPoint is a very powerful tool if used well and there are many features available for the creative speaker. However, because it has many possible ‘tricks’ and animations some speakers feel these must be used at all costs. So words 'swoosh' onto the screen, then spin and zoom without purpose. Rather than enhance the presentation, such activity can lead to the point that the speaker is making becoming lost in visual activity. Don't do it! Admittedly, some animations can liven up a presentation, but do be careful that each one is used purposefully and not just because it is possible! So, in constructing a PowerPoint presentation where do we start? 1. Venue When preparing a presentation it is important to know the venue and the size of…
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