Visit to Guinea, West Africa

International, News, Poor, To the Nations
I have recently returned from Guinea in West Africa where I have been visiting the church in the capital, Conakry, which was planted over ten years ago with refugees from the Sierra Leone civil war. Guinea is a very poor nation. Let me give you some of the bare facts: Population: 10 million, 2 million being in Conakry. Four primary tribes, 32 tribes in total. Health. Life expectancy high 40s. Poor health provision. No provision for disabled children etc. HIV levels unknown but growing. Bird flu wiped out all poultry recently but no profile given to bird flu. How many people died? Poverty. In bottom ten of UN poverty scale. High inflation - prices have doubled in the last four months. More than 80% of population live on less than…
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Ministry Health Check pt 5 – The ‘spiritual’ statements

Christian ministry, Equipping, Evaluation, Good Practice
What are the other statements? Having shared some examples of statements let me now provide the full list in this and the next posting. Written here they seem somewhat overwhelming but please do not be put off! For clarification on any of these please refer to the series which I posted Sept - Dec 2009 where I described the 20 basic Key Indicators. These statements have been created around those Indicators. The statements are grouped under common headings, as shared in part 1 of this series. This grouping is reflected in the PowerPoint slides which are coloured according to the group. The complete presentation may be downloaded here. The orange ones are 1. Spiritual Oversight The ministry is apostolically endorsed The elders of the local church oversee and support the…
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Resistance Fighter – Book Recommendation

Books, Christian ministry, Cross-culture, HIV, International, News, Poor, Zimbabwe
Resistance Fighter has just been published and is a read-at-one-sitting book. For me it turned the tedium of a flight from UK to West Africa into an enjoyable, challenging, emotional and disturbing experience as Susie Howe took me from the joys of playing with lively orphaned children in Zimbabwe to the horrors of learning of children accused of witchcraft in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Susie's autobiographical record of her life (how much she has packed in already!) recounts how she has sought to walk close to God in obedience as He has taken her and her husband Jeremy on a number of unexpected excursions into situations that most of us have never experienced nor even dreamed existed. Starting with her childhood she tells of growing up as a talented…
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Ministry Health Check Pt 4 – the Process

Christian ministry, Equipping, Evaluation, Good Practice
The Process When launching a Health Check I first encourage all team members to rate the statements individually, before meeting together. I urge them not to think too deeply; respond to the first impression they may have about a particular statement and its relevance to their particular ministry. When the team does come together they then take each group of statements, such as those in the first category ‘Spiritual Oversight', and compare their gradings. Although it is important to discuss every statement, initially attention should particularly be given to those areas where gradings differ significantly between team members. As illustrated in a previous posting, this may highlight a fundamental flaw in relationship, team communication etc. In event of that being the case it is helpful to address this at an…
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Ministry Health Check Pt 3 – A working illustration

Christian ministry, Equipping, Evaluation, Good Practice
The value of grading We ended the last posting discussing grading of the various statements. Recently I was leading a workshop in Zimbabwe on the Ministry Health Check. I asked participants to work in ministry teams but to score these statements as individuals before starting any discussion. I was surprised to find that some members on one team graded a particular statement very highly and another at a very low level. The resulting discussion revealed that this arose from there being little communication between team members on a daily basis; this then became the matter to consider for improvement. An illustration Returning to the statement above "The elders of the local church oversee and support the ministry, integrating it into the vision and life of the church" we were working…
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Ministry Health Check Part 2 – Getting started

Christian ministry, Equipping, Evaluation, Good Practice
In the first post of this new series I introduced the concept of a Ministry Health Check using the Key Indicators of Good Practice which have been discussed previously. What is the purpose? The Key Indicators have application in two areas: 1) Planning and 2) Evaluation. For planning they underpin more formal planning practices, as described in the previous Series (Jan-March). This provides a useful reference list. Planning should not be completed without intentionally going through this list and comparing it with your proposed protocols and activities to ensure nothing has been omitted. For evaluation a colleague and I have worked these Indicators into a battery of material that is designed to help you carry out the Check, to record the results and discussions, and to agree any actions. The…
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