Development from a Christian perspective – Pt 9. Examples of excellence – Jubilee Health Centre pt 3

Equipping, Good Practice, Health, Poor, South Africa
We have been visiting the Jubilee Health Centre in Cape Town. Now Dr Caryn Wilson, who leads the ministry, concludes her day in the life of the Clinic and shares some of the key features which define this successful ministry. "The midwife reports back from a home visit to a tiny premature baby and her mom, frustrated at the lack of medical progress. We assure her that her care has meant much to this mother and infant, both visibly happy and thriving, as evidence. We explain how we have learned that we minister out of who we are, not what we do, and that we impart what is in our hearts. Love is the greatest truth and ultimate goal. And love always wins. Touch often speaks louder than words. And…
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Development from a Christian perspective – Pt 8. Examples of excellence – Jubilee Health Centre pt 2

Equipping, Good Practice, Health, Poor, South Africa
In the last blog we began to hear about the Jubilee Health Centre in Cape Town and to see how the ministry holds prayer and team relationships central to their activities. Caryn continues to tell us about a day in the life of the Centre. "You may feel somewhat overwhelmed at this point. But relax; the chaos is ordered. You'll notice team members interspersed among the waiting patients, chatting and maybe helping them fill in a form. Someone is making tea. Two consulting rooms are filled with a nurse or student, and volunteer and patient, with possibly a relative in tow. On entering, beaming children run straight to the toy boxes, playing with what they find (the problem is not getting them into these rooms, but rather getting them out!).…
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Development from a Christian perspective – Pt 7. Examples of excellence – Jubilee Health Centre pt 1

Equipping, Good Practice, Health, Poor, South Africa
We will now return to the series on Development from a Christian perspective. In my recent book The Poor deserve the Best (see panel at side) I conclude with examples of ministries which I consider display excellence from around the world and across the development sectors. I would like to share some of these over the coming weeks to inspire you and demonstrate why development work carried out in and through the church is particularly effective. I shall begin with the Jubilee Health Centre from the Jubilee Community Church in Cape Town, lead by Dr Caryn Wilson who wrote this contribution. It will be in three parts. "Summer in Cape Town is festive, with Christmas celebrations thrown in for good measure. I'd so enjoyed the holiday, a much-appreciated rest from…
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The joy of Serving

Administration in the Church, Christian ministry, Conference Administration, Equipping, Together on a Mission, Together on a Mission
A serving spirit I love being with people who have a serving spirit! Last week we had a great 'away day' with the team who were the ‘behind the scenes' people at TOAM. The purpose was to say ‘thank you' to them and to mark the end of over three decades of running major events for the Newfrontiers family. These began in 1979 with the Downs Bible Weeks (there is a video on this link). They were followed in 1991 with the Stoneleigh Bible Weeks and finally the TOAM conferences which began in 1990 though, in their present form as an annual conference with two streams, Leaders and Mobilise, they have taken place since 2002. We had with us some from Endis, the team who have served us with the…
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Together on a Mission – the final one

Conference Administration, Equipping, Leadership, Ministry Report, Newfrontiers, News, Together on a Mission
The final one Last week marked the end of the TOAM conferences in Brighton, the home city of Terry Virgo, founder of Newfrontiers. The first biennial Leadership Conference was in 1990, but after the Stoneleigh Bible Week ended we started to hold them annually, from 2002, combining them with Students and Twenties under the banner of Mobilise. Three years ago Mark Driscoll, our guest speaker from Seattle, USA, challenged us to prepare for transition to the next generation of leadership. He suggested allowing five years to accomplish this. Prophetic leading Obedient to what we believed was a word from God we have worked steadily seeking Him for guidance and planning for the future. This final TOAM marked an important turning point in that process. There is still much to do…
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Apostolic Administration Forum

Administrative Skills, Biblical Administration, Conference Administration, Cross-culture, Equipping, Finance, International, Newfrontiers, News, Planning, Time Management, Together on a Mission
We are approaching a major transition in the family of churches we call Newfrontiers. As we continue to grow God has shown us that we need to become a network of apostolic spheres (as in the New Testament) rather than be centred predominantly on one person, Terry Virgo, the father of Newfrontiers. In February God spoke to me that I should gather some of those who will be helping administrate these spheres in a practical way, supporting those with apostolic gifting. And so it was my joy to gather nearly 20 men and women for three days at a Forum during the week preceding the Newfrontiers Together on a Mission Conference in Brighton, which begins today, July 12th. Cross cultural exchange The atmosphere of the Forum was ‘everyone a teacher everyone…
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