Teams that work – pt 2. What is it for?

Equipping, Newfrontiers, Team
As we continue to consider some of the features of working as a team we must start by knowing what we are aiming to achieve. The word ‘Mission' sounds very biblical but it is also widely used in the secular world, often quite loosely. ‘Mission statement' is another term widely used in the corporate world. ‘Vision' is sometimes used almost interchangeably with ‘mission' as, occasionally, is ‘purpose'. So rather than trying to get into the minutiae of semantics let's agree that I have used the word here because it fits my mnemonic of TEAM rather than because I am going to define it tightly! Know where you're going... Mission implies that we know where we are going, that the end point or direction is defined. Jesus' ‘Great Commission' (Matt 28:19,…
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Teams that work – pt 1. Team in the Bible?

Equipping, Team
Recently I was in India and was asked to speak on the subject of Teams in ministry. I have never done this before and am aware that much has been written about teams by others. I was not sure that I could add anything. Nevertheless, as we prepare to close the Newfrontiers office in Hove at the end of this year as part of the re-definition of Newfrontiers for the new season, and the team that has worked here for many years will be disbanded, I realised that there probably are some things I have learned from which others could benefit. So here goes! Team in the Bible The word 'Team' is not overtly a Biblical word in the way we would tend to use it. It is used only…
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Helping foreigners and strangers – pt 3

Asylum seekers, Equipping, Poor
Having been introduced to the ministry in practice, and having discussed some of the elements related to care and support, the team from Boaz Trust now share some of the lessons learned over the 7 years since the ministry began. Lessons As a charity pioneering a completely new work, we have had many lessons to learn: We have had to reinforce the initial aims of Boaz with measured procedural planning which must facilitate rather than replace a flexible compassionate response to emergencies. We must stay focused. Our chief aim is to accommodate those who are without accommodation or means of support. Whilst many other needy people come to Boaz for help, they must not take priority over our long waiting list of truly destitute people. Volunteers, as well as clients,…
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Helping foreigners and strangers – pt 2

Asylum seekers, Equipping, Poor
Having introduced us to the ministry of the Boaz Trust and how it seeks to assist those who are disempowered, the Boaz team now discuss the matter of funding and share about some of the fruit of the ministry. Funding Boaz has three main areas that require regular funding: The maintenance and running costs of the housing programme Day-to-day clients' expenses Staffing Our funding comes from a variety of sources. We are grateful that a number of Charitable Trusts have chosen to support our work including Cross Pollinate Foundation. We have benefitted from two large donations from them in the past which have enabled us to expand the project. We have run campaigns for regular givers to fund our food parcels, and were able to develop this by encouraging supporters…
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Helping foreigners and strangers – pt 1

Asylum seekers, Equipping, Poor
The Bible has much to say about welcoming foreigners and strangers into our midst. Over the next few weeks I reproduce a report printed in my recently released manual of good practice, The Poor deserve the Best (see side panel), showing how a team in Manchester are bringing practical expression to this Biblical injunction. Boaz Trust The Boaz Trust is a Christian charity which was founded in 2004 in response to the growing problem of destitution amongst refused asylum seekers in Greater Manchester, in the North West of England, UK. Aim The ultimate aim of Boaz is to work towards ending destitution amongst asylum seekers in the UK, particularly in Greater Manchester, by: Providing accommodation and other essentials for life Promoting justice for asylum seekers and refugees Campaigning for changes…
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Starving baby – a letter from Edward Buria

Kenya, News, Poor, Relief and Development
The famine situation in Kenya worsens daily. There is no likelihood of rain before October/November. Assuming there is then sufficient rain for planting seed food will not be available before March. This heartfelt cry comes from Edward. My Dear Friends, I am sure you are receipt of my latest report on the ongoing Drought/Famine Crisis being experienced in Kenya and number of Countries in Horn of Africa (see Newfrontiers website). Further to that report, I have had more serious encounters with so many people who are battling the effects of the drought/famine. This is why I have decided to share with you the very latest reports on the same. When I saw this child I concluded that the situation can not get any worse! A child like this represents millions of the…
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