Around the Newfrontiers apostolic spheres – Relational Mission

Screen Shot 2017-01-21 at 13.12.39From time to time I have published interviews with the various men leading the new apostolic spheres following the transition of the Newfrontiers family of churches in 2011 from one to multiple spheres. Here I talk with Mike Betts who leads the sphere ‘Relational Mission’. We were able to have a discussion about what his vision is and how the sphere has developed since the transition.

Relational Mission – meaning and outworking
Having given insight to the name ‘Relational Mission’ Mike shares some of the ways in which his vision and values are being outworked: a Leadership Conference, Clustering churches for local fellowship, Church Planting, Leadership Training and ‘extraordinary’ Prayer.

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Many of the values and practices of Newfrontiers have been updated and redefined in the book ‘Relational Mission – A Way of Life’ which Mike has written to be a manifesto for the next decades.

The last five years
Since the transition took place in 2011 each of the spheres has worked hard to define the way forward. As Mike looks both back and forward he recognises the challenges that this transition has represented but values the lessons learned as those leading these apostolic spheres have grappled with their new responsibilities in advancing the Kingdom. There is a very healthy friendship that has been maintained between them and they are seeking to have regular fellowship and accountability to one another.

Newfrontiers redefined
Reflecting this change Newfrontiers has now been redefined as

A group of apostolic leaders partnering together on global mission, joined
by common values and beliefs, shared mission and genuine relationships.

The recently launched new website gives a very helpful feel of what this means.

Pathways from Poverty
Both Mike and I have hearts for the poor. In the concluding part of the interview Mike shares his vision to see churches in his care each pursuing initiatives to help those who are poor or in need, particularly through empowerment projects aimed at self-sufficiency under the umbrella of ‘Pathways from Poverty’. One specific application is seen in the partnership with Edward Buria in Kenya who has a significant sphere of churches, Edfri, both in that nation and in other parts of Africa.

The future is bright
I found Mike very positive as he leads his sphere into the future. There is great vision and health which will, I believe, contribute to significant advance of the Kingdom in this generation.

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Finally, Mike refers to two books in this interview which you may like to obtain:

‘Relational Mission – A Way of Life’ by himself

‘A call to United Extraordinary Prayer….’ By Jonathan Edwards.