40 years on… 12. In conversation with Terry Virgo pt 2

This week I share the second of two parts of the conversation that Terry and I had recently reflecting on the first 40 years of the family of Newfrontiers. We have sought to honour what God has done in our midst and to consider some of the changes that have taken place over this period.

As with part 1 this is about one hour long and so is also presented in four parts as an option for busy people. However, we do feel that watching the whole conversation at one sitting is probably the most beneficial to feel the flow; the breaks into shorter parts were made after we had finished.

An amber warning?
As you watch consider whether some of the changes that are discussed represent an amber warning light. Terry speaks frankly about some of his concerns, particularly in the latter parts of our conversation.  Maybe there are ways in which you and your church are drifting off course. Are you still expectant of the Holy Spirit to come upon you and be manifest in your meetings? Is your worship a performance, or intimate and participatory? Are you joined relationally to apostolic ministry, or just a ‘member’ of a ‘sphere’? Are you intentionally making disciples?

I encourage you to use this conversation as an opportunity to take stock of any drifts that need correcting. (Click on the picture)

Here are the four parts. (Click on the picture)