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Tis Mercy All – Book recommendation
July 11, 2024
Tis Mercy All is a timely book. As we are bombarded by the often-vindictive negativity broadcast through the media and witness the verbal abuse promulgated on social media we need to be re...
Voting like Jesus
May 23, 2024
Some very helpful resource material Election Ready? has been released today by Jubilee+, the day after a General Election has been announced in the UK. It has been produced to help us thin...
Donna Bloomfield shares insights about working with the poor
November 22, 2023
Donna has been a good friend of mine for well over 20 years. We worked together for a few years and I now chair the ministry she leads in Burundi, Hope for Tomorrow Global. Margins2Mic is a...
Voices – Listening to those with ‘lived experience’
September 3, 2023
For several years I had the privilege of chairing a remarkable ministry, Beloved, in Bristol which seeks to bring women out of the massage parlours ie to exit indoor prostitution. For obviou...
In conclusion…
July 20, 2023
This will be my final post. The site will close shortly. 14 years ago I was urged by several people to write a blog. Since then I have written over 500 posts. The primary aim has been to he...
An outbreak of autobiographies
July 11, 2023
I love autobiographies. We can learn so much from the lives of others who have run the race well especially when they are still running. Over the last twelve months four well-known leaders i...
